The Following is a list of free resources and links to videos that have been helpful to my clients over the years. Be sure to Google Search (your issue) and any of these speakers on You Tube. OR Google Search (your issue) and Gut Health for more information.
Dr. Tracey Marks, How Your Gut Bacteria Controls Your Mood:
Dr. Terry Wahls, Minding your Mitochondria:
Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Immunity and your gut:
Barbara O'Neill, Caring for the Gut:
Kip Anderson's What the Health:
Mark Hyman, The Food Industry Lies *
Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Leaky Gut-Leaky Brain:
Barbara O'Neill, Gut Health, Chronic Fatigue and IBS:
William Davis, Why Gluten (Grain) & Gluten-Free is Bad for You:
Dr. William Davis, Unconventional Thoughts on Arrhythmias:
William Davis, Five Ways that Wheat & Grains Raise Blood Sugar:
Pete Evans, The PaleoWay:
Dr. Amy Meyers, The Pitfalls of Paleo:
Dr. David Perlmutter, Death by Sugar:
Nora Gedgaudis, The Primal Mind
Benjamin Bikman, The Mind-Blowing Science of Fat Burning and Insulin Resistance:
Dr. William Davis, The Truth About Fatty Liver
Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Gut Microbiome :
Dr. William Davis, Wheat the Unhealthy Whole Grain:
Dr. Eric Berg, The REAL Cause of Phlegmy (Mucus) Throat:
There are many scientific articles available online. Google (your health issue) and leaky gut or microbiome for more information.
NIH Library of Medicine: Leaky Gut Biomarkers in Depression
Chris Kresser: How Industrial Seed Oils Are Making Us Sick
Complete Food Lists for ALL LEVELS of Wahl's Protocol: *
Dr. Benjamin Bikman, Why We Get Sick;
Robynne Chutkan, The Microbiome Solution;
Dr. Amy Meyers, The Autoimmune Solution;
Dr. Tom Obryen, The Autoimmune Fix;
Dr. Terry Wahls, The Wahls Protocol;
Mickey Trescott, The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook;
Pete Evans, The Gut Health Cookbook;
*RESEARCH (On Video or Podcast):
Nora Gedgaudis, Paleo Diet Expert;
William Davis, author of Wheat Belly;
David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain;
Loren Cordain; author of The Paleo Diet;
Dysbiosis, SIBO and Yeast Overgrowth
* CALL: Discover Health Functional Medicine Center24 Pleasant St., Conway, NH 603-447-3112
* ONLINE: Modern Allergy Management ($95 Hair Test for food sensitivities)
* ONLINE: Thryve Gut Health Test ($99 Stool Test)
MEDITATION: My Peace of Mindfulness: Daily Calm:
* Other than books, medical or personal care services and allergy tests, I do not endorse any products being sold; it is up to the seeker to thoroughly research products and protocols, find what resonates with you and know that there is no simple supplement or pill that will outpace a bad diet. As the saying goes: You can either make time for your health now, or take time for your illness later. I hope you will allow me to be part of your journey to greater health and fitness. - Christine Baptista
* Over-fed & Undernourished *
I recently heard it said that "Good health starts in the grocery store, not in the doctor's office." Sadly, too many people are landing in the doctor's office due to the unhealthy choices they (often unwittingly) made in the grocery store.
Vast numbers of people are now affected by obesity, diabetes; arthritis, autoimmune disease; thyroid disease; high blood pressure and/or cholesterol; heart disease; brain fog; depression; digestive ailments; Alzheimer's and other "unexplained" illnesses, many of which can be prevented or reversed.
Most of these disorders have their root cause in poor nutrition, which is partly due to the confusing and often conflicting information the public is being given. The resources offered here are not medical or nutritional advice, rather an opportunity to point you to a path of exploration and greater understanding.
In my experience, I have found that people often fear lifestyle change, especially, when it comes to food. But ask yourself: Which is the the easier path in the long run? You see, this change is not only about what you "give up" but what you gain; not only about eliminating processed, inflammatory and even toxic foods but adding in fresh, vibrant, nourishing foods.
While there is no "One-Size-Fits-All" diet, current research shows that avoiding the most heavily processed & inflammatory foods (wheat, grain, seed oils, sugar and dairy) that comprise the modern "diet" is a powerful path to greater well being. I hope this information will help you learn how and why certain foods can profoundly affect your weight, your fitness and your health.
Many people find that starting with a 30 day elimination diet of ALL gut-disrupting inflammatory foods, will help them get to the source of their troubles. After 30 days, gradually "test" one food at a time for a few days and see if you get a flare-up).
This process typically includes (in order of priority) elimination of ALL grain, especially WHEAT (gluten-free products like Tapioca Starch, Potato Starch, Cassava Flour and Corn Starch are even more inflammatory than grain); ALL Seed Oils (like sunflower, corn, safflower, canola oil, soybean oil, grapeseed & cottonseed oil); ALL artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose), ALL sugars (sucrose, glucose, honey) and most alcohol (especially those made from grain). What's left? Lots! Including a new & improved relationship with your body and a greater understanding of how various foods affect your well-being. Don't take my word for it... dig in to the resources listed here and find out for yourself. What you learn just might change your life... Enjoy!
For More Information,
Or Click the Link (below)
*One slice of whole wheat bread can raise blood sugar higher than (3 teaspoons of) sucrose (table sugar). Whole wheat bread consumption results in the same blood glucose response as white bread; consuming two slices of whole wheat bread increases blood glucose more than a candy bar. *Many supposedly healthy products such as yogurt can contain nearly as much sugar as a can of soda, 10 times the recommended serving size? Most commercially produced yogurts are fermented for such a short time that they lack the a fully developed spectrum of probiotics? *Whey (a dairy derivative) is insulin-provoking, or insulinotropic, an effect that can contribute to insulin resistance and stalled or failed weight loss, despite its (puzzling) popularity as an additive to smoothies. -paraphrased from Dr. William Davis, Author of Wheat Belly Why is this important....? To find out more, email your questions, below.
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